Countdown to our next NATTER NIGHT ...
Wednesday 12th February
Please remember the change of venue...
The Kings Arms, Stifford Clay Road, Orsett, RM16 3LX
Meet at 6:30pm for a bite to eat, a good natter,
presentation of ride awards and chapter notices
Director: Joe Borgia (Sales Manager)
Ass. Director: Geoff Suter
Head Road Captain: Roger Allen
597 Individuals involved with 31 ride outs during the year including our inaugural ride and the UK Route 66, first overnight trip.
Director: Joe Borgia (Sales Manager)
Ass. Director: Marcus ‘Slack’ Simeoni / Geoff Suter
Head Road Captain: Roger Allen / Malcolm ‘Duke’ Fewtrell
1,464 Individuals involved with 59 ride outs during the year including the Bikers Loft, Monte Carlo,Barcelona, and Ride in to the Tower of London.

Director: Joe Borgia (Sales Manager)
Ass. Director: Marcus ‘Slack’ Simeoni / Geoff Suter
Head Road Captain: Malcolm ‘Duke’ Fewtrell
979 Individuals involved with 38 ride outs during the year including Biker’s Loft, Cider Rally, Harley 110thAnniversary in Rome and Le Touquet.

Garry Knowles (Dealer Principle)
Ass. Director: Marcus ‘Slack’ Simeoni / Geoff Suter
Head Road Captain: Malcolm ‘Duke’ Fewtrell
1,202 Individuals involved with 44 ride outs during the year Lakeside attended the Hamburg and Opal Shore Rallies and the stayed at the Bikers Loft in Groenedijk, Belgium and we supported the Chapter Sponsored Charity, The J’s Hospice.

Marcus ‘Slack’ Simeoni
Ass. Directors: Malcolm ‘Duke’ Fewtrell / John ‘JJ’ Scott / Geoff Suter
863 Individuals involved with 48 ride outs during the year
Lakeside Chapter has representation at the Barcelona Harley Days Flag Parade, French Trip and took part in the last official Southend Shakedown and we supported the Chapter Sponsored Charity, The J’s Hospice.
Director: John ‘JJ’ Scott
Ass. Director: Malcolm Seedhouse
Head Road Captain: Grant Weitsz
Lakeside Chapter toured the USA! Attended the Opal Shore Rally and visited Bikers Loft with the Ghent Chapter for the last time before it closed. This year we also supported the Chapter Sponsored Charity, St Luke’s Hospice.

Our New Home Dealership Was Opened July 2016

Director: John ‘JJ’ Scott / Malcolm Seedhouse
Ass. Director: Malcolm Seedhouse / Phill Poston
Head Road Captain: Grant Weitsz
1,203 Individuals involved with 71 ride outs during the year lakeside Chapter took an exclusive behind the scenes tour of the Ford motor museum, travelled to the St. Tropez Hog Rally, Instrumental in the foundation of the LOH Twinkle Tour and we also supported the Chapter Sponsored Charity, St Luke’s Hospice.

Our Brand New Website
Was Launched
Director: Malcolm Seedhouse
Ass. Director: Phill Poston
Head Road Captain: Grant Weitsz
Lakeside Dealership’s 8th Birthday Bash
Heart ‘n’ Soul Rally by Geordie Chapter
Fenlanders 26th East of England Rally
Our Brand New Website
Was Launched
Director: Malcolm Seedhouse
Ass. Director: Phill Poston
Head Road Captain: Grant Weitsz
Lakeside Chapter took part in the European H.O.G Rally and joined more than 50,000 other people who travelled to Cascais, Portugal.
We held 90 organised rides to café, museums, places of interest and bike events, these were attended by a cumulative total of over 1,000 riders and non-riders. 2019 also saw us enjoy a Chapter Curry Night and also take a ride on the London Ghost Bus Tour.
As well as riding we were so pleased to present our chosen charity, The Aaron Lewis Foundation, with a cheque for £1,827.
Lastly we thanked our HRC Grant for his commitment to the Chapter as we all welcomed our Safety Officer into the HRC role!

Coming Soon
The Year of
Director: Malcolm Seedhouse

Ass. Director: Phil Poston
Head Road Captain:Mike Keogh
Whilst acting in accordance with official advice, Lakeside Chapter still held twenty five official rides in 2020.
Having temporarily changed the way in which we reached our members this saw the start of "virtual" horse racing, "virtual"quiz nights (you get the theme here) and Bingo! that occasionally offered age-appropriate prizes.
Following the closure of "The Pond", otherwise known as Lakeside Harley Davidson Dealership, we became fully committed to being an independent Harley Davidson Chapter.
Never Beaten, our members also took part in our own ABC of Harley riding awards. When allowed visiting towns and cities spelling out the official list of Harley Davidson motorcycles in the range in exchange for ride chapter recognition.
With amazing support from our members, we were so pleased to be able to present our chosen charity The Aaron Lewis Foundation, with a cheque for £1,268.00.
2021- 2022
New Lakeside Director Phil "Rainman" Poston Appointed by H.O.G