Countdown to our next NATTER NIGHT ...
Wednesday 12th February
Please remember the change of venue...
The Kings Arms, Stifford Clay Road, Orsett, RM16 3LX
Meet at 6:30pm for a bite to eat, a good natter,
presentation of ride awards and chapter notices
Lakeside Chapter H.O.G. is proud to be supporting the Aaron Lewis Foundation in 2022. A cheque was presented to the Foundation in January 2022 for £2,305.05, being the funds raised in 2021. A remarkable achievement by our Chapter members considering the challenges of 2021 that seriously affected our ability to raise funds.
Big Thanks To Our Chapter Members!
We will continue to hold events during the year where we will be supporting our chosen charity.
Every year we make charitable donations to the Childrens Ward at Basildon and Thurrock University Hospital.
At Easter we organise a special "Easter Egg Ride", giving chocolate treats and soft toys.
At Christmas is our "Toy Run Ride" where we donate lots of toys and games to the children.
Please scroll down to find out more...

On the 15th December 2008, Lieutenant Aaron Lewis of 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery, was killed in action in Afghanistan. He was just 26 and on his first operational deployment.
Aaron wanted to make a difference in the world, bringing help to those in need. It was that belief which gave him the courage, hope and enthusiasm to deploy to Afghanistan.
Two years after his death, the Aaron Lewis Foundation was established by his family and friends to continue to make a difference in his memory. With unity and teamwork at its core, Aaron’s family, friends and former service colleagues work together to raise funds for causes close to Aaron’s heart, providing access to sport and wellbeing for all, while at the same time furthering his legacy.
The Foundation also provides easy access to fundraising via its dedicated
Just Giving page.
For a full list of those who have benefited from ALF fundraising, please click here.

2021 was a very challenging year with the Pandemic which curtailed what we were able to contribute to the Hospital.
Despite this our members rallied to the cause and contributed presents which had to be safely delivered earlier than usual to allow for quarantine, before being given to the children who were in hospital at Christmas at Basildon and Thurrock University Hospital.
Thank you to everyone for your support. Please click here to read the letter of thanks we received from the Mid & South Essex Hospitals Charity.